Alongside acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine is the other major pillar of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). They share the same underlying theories and principles. It has been used for thousands of years. 

Chinese herbs have been used for centuries to treat nearly every type of illness. The use of Chinese herbs is a very popular tradition. There are over three hundred herbs that are commonly being used today that have a history that goes back at least 2,000 years.

Herbal medicine  While not limited to internal conditions, herbs are valuable for the treatment of conditions with strong internal components as opposed to physical or structural complaints which may be better treated with acupuncture.

Conditions related to the immune system, gynecological conditions, digestive problems, allergies and respiratory problems are among the issues commonly treated with herbal medicine.

Each herbal medicine prescription is a cocktail of many herbs tailored to the individual patient. The common reason for the use of formula is to balance the functions of different herbs in order to reach its optimal results and reduce the side effects. The balance and interaction of all the ingredients are considered more important than the effect of individual ingredients. A key to success in TCM is the treatment of each patient as an individual.

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Energy Balance

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Fibromyalgia (FM)

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Substance Abuse

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Arm Pain

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Shoulder Pain

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Neck Pain

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Back Pain

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